I’m embarrassed to admit that this isn’t my first rodeo with blogging. If we were to really go back, I’d say I’ve been “blogging” since the early 2000’s. This might be fancier than the old days of diaryland (bonus points if you know what that is) or when I had created 20 geocities pages but here I am nonetheless. Documenting my days is something I truly find joy in. With iPhones being a part our extremities, it’s SO easy for each moment to be captured. What I want to focus on here, aren’t just the shitty iPhone shots, but to hone in on the fact that I am a photographer and I should be using one of my many cameras. I am a visual person so I will try to not bore you with my endless rambles of why I think being a mom isn’t the only thing that keeps me going. But I digress.
The beauty about having a personal blog is basically writing and posting about whatever the fuck I want. Pure bliss.
photo by Christina Lilly